Egg White Nutrition Facts You Must Know

What is healthy, cheap, can be eaten raw or easily cooked? Perhaps, nothing can beat an egg when it comes to its nutritional values. It is readily available and can be bought anytime, anywhere.

You can even cook it in so many diffrent ways! Egg white nutrition facts are numerous according to reliable studies that’s why you shouldn’t miss out on serving them on your table.

What’s in an egg white?

As you are very much aware of, the egg white is one of the purest and richest sources of protein known to man. In fact, one of the egg white nutrition facts that are not known to many is that it is an ideal nutritional supplement. Would you believe that dietary supplements for bodybuilders are derived from egg whites!

Nutritional values

Actually, there are many egg white nutrition facts that you should know in order to appreciate this power food. It is the most nutritious part of an egg. Yolks contain loads of cholesterol and is not good for the heart. It comprises two thirds of the egg’s total weight and ninety percent of which is water.

Another egg white nutrition fact that you should know is its protein content. It has 40 different kinds of protein and minerals such as zinc, iron, copper, calcium and potassium. All of these play a crucial role in bone development.

Egg whites undergo the process of denaturation after it is cooked. Naturally transparent and clear fluid, it turns into white when cooked. The color change is due to a chemical change wherein chains of amino acids are broken to form more rigid protein structure.

One of the most important egg white nutrition facts that should be remembered is its vital role in enzyme metabolism of the body wherein it works as a storage protein. Other than that, it contains vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, riboflavin for cell growth and folate for a healthy heart.

Raw egg whites vs cooked egg whites

Definitely, eating raw egg whites are better than those that have been cooked especially when fried in a processed oil high in fat. Even some of the nutrients tend to diminish when cooked. Vital egg white nutrition facts such as this must be remembered when you prepare meals that include eggs.

Raw eggs are far healthier than cooked ones, especially if the cooked egg is fried in a processed oil high in fat. On the contrary, fresh eggs may sometimes contain the Salmonella bacteria. Nonetheless, the possibility is extremely small and the chances of an infection is least likely to occur. However, cooking them can destroy the bacteria especially when fried.

Egg whites are best cooked when boiled or scrambled. You can even have an omelet out of it. However, it is not also wise and healthy to eat as much egg whites more than what your body needs. Overconsumption can lead to biotin deficiency and constipation. Eating too much of it makes you release excess sulfur gas which can lead to health problems.