Home 8 Extreme Vegan Athletes Who Gave Up Meat and Diary to Boost Their Game Mike Mahler – Bodybuilder and Kettleball Trainer

Mike Mahler – Bodybuilder and Kettleball Trainer

Carl Lewis – Track and Field
Martina Navratilova – Tennis Player


10 Techniques For A Turbo-Charged Body Building Workout

You are working from long time and you are not satisfied with the current exercise program for body building workout. It is not giving maximum...

10 Most Common Fitness & Exercise Myths

There are numerous myths about fitness and exercise. It is a strange fact that people, who are exercising for long, possess lots of knowledge...

Top 10 Yoga Poses For Relieving Headaches And Shoulder Pain

The 10 most effective yoga poses to heal yourself from your headaches and migraines.