Try Out Core Exercises for Back Pain

According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, back pain affects 80% of Americans at some time in their life. Back pain is obviously a major problem in America.

Chronic back pain can interfere with your daily activities and adversely affect the quality of your life. Your back muscles support the weight of your body and are involved in just about every movement that you make.

core exercises for backpain

Many people do cardiovascular exercise and strength training exercise, while often neglecting their core area. Core exercises are a vital part of a well rounded fitness routine, and can be the best defense against back pain.

It’s important to maintain a strong core to help support your spine. Core exercises will strengthen the surrounding muscles of your back and help to stabilize your pelvis and trunk.

Let’s have a look at some core exercises for back pain and their other benefits.

Benefits of Core Exercises

Improve Balance

Core workouts train the neglected areas of your lower back, abdomen and hips. Just about every movement that you make relies on your core muscles. A strong core will act as a stable foundation for the rest of your body.

Tone Your Abs

Core exercises often isolate both the lower and upper abdominal muscles. This will help strengthen and tone your stomach area.

Core Exercises are Convenient

Core exercises are classified as any activity that simply engages the trunk of your body. For most of these workouts, you don’t need any gym equipment. You could complete an entire routine on the living room floor, while watching television.

Better Posture

By activating your deep abdominal muscles, your posture naturally improves. Weak core muscles leave you susceptible to poor posture. This is often a major contributor to low back pain.

Prevent Injuries

Many physical therapists rely on core strengthening exercises as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program for back injuries. Hopefully, by utilizing these stabilization exercises as part of a preventative program, you won’t have to do them in a rehabilitation setting. When these back muscles are flexible and strong, they are less likely to be injured.

Core Exercises for Back Pain Routine

Back Extensions

Start in a face down position on the floor with arms at your side. Slowly raise your head and upper body off the floor. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds and repeat 10 times.


Start in a face down position on the floor with your arms straight out in front of your head and body. Slowly, lift your arms and chest off the floor. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds and repeat 10 times.

Hyper extensions with Alternating Arms and Legs

Start in face down position on the floor with arms straight out in front of your head and body. Raise your right leg off the floor, while at the same time lift your left arm.

Repeat this movement on the other side of your body by raising your left leg and right arm simultaneously. Perform 15 repetitions of this exercise.

Partial Sit-Up

Start this exercise on your back with both knees bent and your feet together. Fold your arms across your chest and tighten your abdominal muscles. Raise your upper body approximately 8 inches off the floor and hold for 5 seconds.


Start this exercise on your back with your body on the floor.  Keep both knees bent and your feet together. With your abs tight, lift both hips off the floor as high as you can and hold for 10 seconds.

Side Bridge

Start this exercise on your left side with your body resting on the floor. Hold your left arm in a bent position under your head for support. Rest your right hand in front of your body. With both feet together, lift your body approximately 5 inches off the ground. Hold this position for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times. Repeat this same movement on the right side of your body 10 times.

For best results, do this routine 3 to 4 times a week. Done correctly, these core exercises for back pain can be very effective.