Improve Your Fitness Levels With The Trekdesk Treadmill Desk

It is being touted as a fitness splurge worth the money – the TrekDesk Treadmill Desk is seen to offer significant health and fitness benefits. According to CEO Steve Bradley, the aim of the product and its manufacturers was to “change the sedentary mindset and environment in America and improve the health of the nation through a movement revolution”.

trekdesk treadmill desk

We all know how dangerous a sedentary lifestyle can be for our health and fitness levels. More than 58 obesity related diseases including cancer, stroke and heart disease have been linked to not getting enough exercise.

Research has shown that leading an active lifestyle that includes taking ten thousand steps a day can help reduce the risk of these lifestyle related diseases significantly.

Not having enough time or motivation are reasons cited by those who are not able to take the requisite 10,000 steps a day. The TrekDesk offers a solution to the problem – it is a workstation that can be fitted on to any existing treadmill, that can allow a person to work and walk at the same time.

One can fit exercise into a workday without taking any more time out of a tight schedule, thereby helping to maintain good health, improve fitness, mood and mental abilities as well.