Office Fitness For When You’re Chained To The Desk

This one is for all of us who use the office and long hours as an excuse not to work out or go to the gym or get exercise: it is possible to use these office fitness tips to get a better body without leaving your desk.

  • Do stretching exercises at different times throughout the day. This helps relieve muscle tension, improves blood circulation and helps to reduce stress and tiredness. It can also keep you more alert and make you feel better.
  • Wear comfortable shoes so walking in office will be easier. Also make sure that your chair is comfortable and supportive.
  • Walk to work and back if possible, and if using public transport, get off at a stop earlier so you have to walk to work.
  • Take the stairs rather than the elevator.
  • Walk while you take or make a call (pace as much as your office area will allow).
  • Don’t email or message a colleague. Walk over and speak to them personally instead.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Have a healthy lunch and for when you feel like snacking, make sure only healthy items are within reach.