Using Yoga For The Treatment Of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a condition that affects millions of people every year. It can be caused by genetics, heart disease, unhealthy life style, or unhealthy diet.

There are many treatments for high blood pressure including medication or proper diet.

There are also a number of factors during daily life that can affect blood pressure levels.

Stress, anxiety, and physical exertion can cause blood pressure to

For this reason, the type of exercise regimen you complete, and the way you cope, can be as important as the medications your doctor prescribes. Many people today are using Yoga to find a happy and healthy balance.

How Does Yoga Help with Blood Pressure?

Yoga is a method of exercising and relaxing the body. It teaches the principles of breathing, and relaxing, during poses or an asana, to bring a balance to the body.

Yoga has been used for many centuries as a way to self regulate the body. High blood pressure that is caused by stress or over exhaustion can be regulated by taking the time to breathe properly and relax. In your search for a natural way to regulate blood pressure Yoga can be a great option.

Poses for Relief of High blood Pressure

The following types of Yoga are commonly recommended for use when trying to lower blood pressure.

  • Yogasana –During a normal exercise routine the body is required to pump blood faster and harder. However, during Yogasana the requirement to pump blood is actually decreased. This allows people with high blood pressure to enjoy the benefits of exercise, while actually lowering blood pressure.
  • Pranayama – The term pranayama means “Breath Control” when translated. When the body becomes stressed or anxious, the breathing rate increases. However, with the use of Pranayama exercise, you will be able to decrease or level out your breathing pattern. Many of these exercises can be conducted while sitting at a desk, or during your normal work day.
  • Meditation – Meditation is a practice of inner reflection and concentration. By fixing your thoughts on one object, or thought, your mind can be removed from the current situation, and the stress or anxiety it brings. This practice has shown to provide benefits for those seeking to lower blood pressure and relax. [Benefits of Meditation]
  • Yoga Nidra – Yoga Nidra is the practice of psychically sleeping. The period of sleep is thought to remove mental, emotional, and physical stress and strain. The process removes negative thoughts, energy, and feelings. This will help to eliminate stress, or mental processes, that can raise the blood pressure.

How to Learn Yoga Processes?

There are a number of yoga schools and studios that teach classes specifically suited for those with high blood pressure. However, before starting any regimen, you will want to speak with your health care provider.

If you are on medications for your high blood pressure, it may need to be regulated as your blood pressure lowers. After all, low blood pressure is just as serious as high.