Upper Body Building Routines

Maintaining upper body building such as arms, chest, neck, back and shoulders is important to your posture making your breathing easier and allowing performing normal pushing, lifting, reaching, twisting and pulling activities.

Upper body strength helps you to maintain a good posture and reduce the risk of injury or lower back pain.

The upper body strength holds your head more easily in an upright position, reducing fatigue and neck pain.

Weight lifting is one of the fastest ways to see changes in your upper body. Follow the weight lifting exercises at least three times per week and you will see the results in three or four weeks. You can combine weight lifting exercises with daily cardio exercises to get good results.upper body strength

You can start with lighter weights in the beginning. Lifting lighter weights with more repetitions builds muscle endurance.

Before starting your body building exercise program, assess your current strength level. If you are a member of gym, you can take help from the trainer to determine the best weight for you.

If you are starting at home, you can purchase a set of dumbbells. Once you have identified the right weight for you, the next step is to know the proper form to use.

Proper alignment is important to avoid injuries and getting the most out of your workout. Stand up straight as you move the weight and keep your shoulders back and lifted and your head high.

Building Upper Body Strength

You can easily include the body building workout schedule into your routine to build the upper body strength. Add these exercises three to four days per week and watch your muscles become strengthened and defined.

Triceps Press:

The triceps press tones back of arms. The triceps muscle can be one of the most difficult muscles to develop primarily because most people do not use it very often in daily life. The triceps muscle can turn flabby and droopy without exercise.

Begin standing with feet shoulder width apart with weighs in hand. Take a giant step forward with your right foot, lean forward slightly and then raise the weights behind you with your palms facing the ceiling.

Raise the weights towards the ceiling as far as possible and then slowly lower them. Repeat this move for three sets of 20 repetitions. On the final repetition of each set, hold your arms up and gently pulse the weight up no more than a few inches. This exercise helps to tone the saggy arms.

Overhead Raise:

Overhead raise tones the shoulders. You can neglect the shoulders if you are focusing on improving the arms, but having strong, healthy shoulders is important to everyday movements. Strengthening the shoulders will allow the arms to grow stronger and improve your overall upper body muscle.

Begin by standing with weights in hands about shoulder height. Slowly lift the weights overhead and then lower. Repeat the movement for three sets of 25 repetitions. This move increases the performance from the bicep and tones the muscles that run on top of your shoulders.

Bicep curls:

Bicep curls tones front arms. Start by holding one weight in each hand with your palms facing inward. Rotate your arms out so that your palms now face to the front and slowly lift the weight almost one hundred and eighty degrees until your palm and the weight face your shoulder.

Slowly lower the weight back to its original position and then repeat. By slowing down the speed of the movement, you force the muscle to work harder than it would with the momentum of a fast action. This develops the bicep muscle better and faster. Repeat this exercise for three sets of 25 repetitions for each arm.


If shortness of breath occurs while doing strength exercises, it means you are working too hard. Slow down the intensity of exercise. Consult your doctor if shortness of breath continues.

If any exercise causes pain, stop doing it. If the pain continues, you may be putting too much stress on the muscle using weights that are too heavy for your strength level [Exercises to get lean body].

If you feel pain or pressure in your chest, neck, jaw, or arm, consult your doctor immediately.

If you feel fatigue after an exercise session, you may be working too hard. Take more time between sessions. Be sure you are getting enough sleep, drinking enough water and taking fresh vegetables and fruits.