Why Healthy Eating Practices Won’t Work In The US According To David Letterman?

‘Naked chef’ Jamie Oliver maybe trying to make America eat healthier but David Letterman is doing nothing to help, because apparently the talk show legend thinks that Americans are beyond redemption. In a caustic indictment of American food habits on his show, The Late Show Letterman went on to rubbish Oliver’s attempts in his inimitable acerbic style.

According to Letterman, Americans were simply unable to lose weight because they live in a culture dominated by the business of selling the kind of food that is “inherently unhealthy.” Letterman was speaking in response to Oliver’s nationwide attempt to teach how to shop, cook and eat healthy in a way that tastes good as well.

jamie oliverAccording to the talk show host who referred to his own battles with weight loss, the only thing that will work in America is diet pills; that they are the only successful way to lose weight in the United States.

He referred to celebrity Kirstie Alley who was on his show recently and her very public battle with weight, which according to him she had made a second career out of.

Letterman had a caustic but bleak prediction of 1000 years from today when humans would have ‘evolved’ into 500 and 600 pound beings and “it will all be OK”.

Source: villagevoice