Exhausted During Winter? You Still Need To Exercise

Despite the feeling that winter sucks all the energy out of you and despite the fact that the snow and cold eliminate several exercise choices, you must still make time for exercise.

Why? Winter is the time of the year when the human body is most likely to put on some extra pounds [Winter weight gain].

In fact, fitness experts recommend that everyone plan on burning 100 calories a day in order to keep the winter pounds off.

Tips for exercising during winter

Join an exercise facility

While a stale gym might not be as fun as a trail populated with lush trees, you can’t use the “it’s too cold” excuse.

Winter is the perfect time to try out best exercise equipment that you saw sitting there in the gym but couldn’t figure out the purpose of it.

Also, well-lit gyms will eliminate the loss of energy associated with a lack of sunlight. Plus, it is much easier to measure out your exercises at a gym. Hitting a treadmill, setting the speed to 4.5 mph, and running for 30 minutes will be the same every day [benefits of treadmill].

Dress extremely warm

If you enjoy walking, there’s no reason why you should stop during the winter. Bundle up, grab some water, and continue exercise walking.

The outdoors is so much more beautiful when the snow has recently fallen, and if you bundle up well enough you won’t even notice the wind chill. Just make sure that you drink plenty, since winter months have a tendency to be dryer, leading to a greater possibility for dehydration.

Use LED lights or sun lamps

These are great for fighting the loss of energy and depression that comes from winter months. Keep one in your house and exercise under it. This will be exactly the same as if you were exercising under the bright sun.

Avoid cycling

Due to the pace that you travel at, cycling is one of the worst exercises during  winter because the wind will be far greater. Also, other exercises that cause you to move faster than normal aren’t very healthy. You are better off exercise walking or running.

Go to indoor places

Really large stores and shopping malls are great during the winter. You can walk around as much as you want without having to worry at all about the cold. Plus, when you get bored, there are always fun sights to see. Just make sure that you do not bring too much money so that you don’t end up spending it all.