Top 6 Celebrity Diets for Healthy and Sustainable Weight Loss

– Forget fad diets – Try out these sensible, healthy diets used by the stars

Fad diets may hold the appeal of providing you a quick-fix, rapid weight loss, but they may also be dangerous for your long term health. Forget those crazy diet fads and instead turn to these sensible, sustainable diets that are easy to follow and highly effective.

1. The Lunchbox Diet

Harkening back to childhood meal routines, the lunchbox diet is one of the newest celebrity diets to take the world by storm. Elegant in its simplicity, the lunchbox diet uses old-world wisdom combined with fun techniques to help you lose weight naturally without fads or crazy, unhealthy food choices.

Lunchbox Diet

The lunchbox diet relies on some simple tenants devised by Simon Lovell. If you’re a follower of this diet, you’ll get a good sized lunch box (whatever pattern suits your fancy!) and fill it full of delicious, yet healthy foods that you can graze on throughout the day. You might include things like veggies, muesli, poached eggs, wholewheat toast, cheese, watermelon cubes, sesame seeds, or find other easy lunch ideas online..

The diet encourages a balanced mix of health carbohydrates and protein to ensure you’re getting all of the nutrition you need. This diet has been used by Fergie, Keira Knightley and Cameron Diaz.

2. Vegetarianism

Another happy trend for animal lovers is the popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets among celebrities. Espoused by celebrities like Tobey Maguire, Olivia Wilde, Carrie Underwood, and Gwyneth Paltrow, vegetarians and vegans eat no meat and may eliminate things like dairy, eggs, and other animal-derived foods and ingredients. Eating less meat has been proven to reduce the fat in a person’s diet, which can go a long way to help you maintain a healthy weight.

Not only that, but vegetarians tend to live longer, have lower rates of heart disease and cancer, and have reduced incidences of bone disease as well!

Plus, when done right, vegetarians tend to eat more whole grains, beans, legumes, and other healthy carbohydrates which help to keep the body healthy and nourished. Even if you can’t go meat free the entire time, consider becoming a weekday vegetarian – eating meat only on the weekends and refraining the rest of the week.

3. Organic Foods

Many celebrities are also stressing the importance of incorporating organic foods into their diets to help maintain a healthy weight.

When searching out organic foods, you’ll find that the number of prepared food options is quite limited compared to  conventionally-grown foods, which helps to eliminate foods made with high-fat, high-sugar, low-fiber ingredients.This alone can help you lose weight. Some believe, however, that by going organic, you’ll lose weight because of the elimination of agricultural chemicals which can boost weight gain.

People like Kate Hudson and Kourtney Kardashian stress organic foods. And thanks to the growing popularity of organic foods, the costs of these options are coming down considerately, making them more affordable than ever.

4. Lauren Conrad’s LC Diet

Developed by Jarrett Del Bene, the personal trainer for Lauren Conrad, this LC celebrity diet revolves around 1,500 calories per day spread over 6 meals throughout the day. This helps to maintain a level metabolism and curb hunger, both conditioners which are beneficial for reducing cravings and avoiding binge eating. Like other healthy diets, this one stresses vegetables, fruit, lean proteins, nuts and seeds, lean dairy, and whole grains.

5. High Water Consumption

You’ll hear it over and over again when talking celebrity diets – drink lots of water! Espoused perhaps most strongly by Madonna, the drinking of copious amounts of water is encouraged by a wide range of celebrities looking to stay slim. Drinking water – at least 3 liters daily according to Madonna – is a great way raise your metabolism, suppress appetite, and keep you cleansed and well-hydrated. Water also helps you achieve healthy skin and keeps your urinary tract in good health.

6. Jennifer’s Balanced Nutrition and Proportions

Celebrities like Jennifer Anniston are doing what most doctors and nutritionists have been recommending for decades – eating a healthy balance of proteins, carbs, and fats. Just as important is to ensure that you’re eating proportions that are reasonably sized. A good rule of thumb is to eat slowly and eat only until you stop feeling hungry. Don’t eat until you feel full! It’s the simple things, really, that work to help you lose weight slowly over time.

Jennifer works to ideal proportions of 40% complex carbs (whole grains and beans), 30% protein, and 30% fat.