Emily Blunt’s Fitness Regime In Preparation Of Her Big Day

From time to time it is the celebrities who show us how it’s done; now it is British actress Emily Blunt, of The Devil Wears Prada fame who is the celebrity sharing her fitness secrets with us:

Blunt will be getting hitched to The Office star John Krasinski sometime later this month, according to some sources, and she is getting in shape for her big day.

Blunt was quoted as having said that she really enjoys doing Yoga and Pilates and “all those lengthening exercises” and that she does them several times a day.

She also works out with personal trainers each week and recommends the methods used by trainers such as A.J. Johnson in LA and confesses to being a fan of the Tracy Anderson method.

The cardio sessions she describes as being “cripplingly” difficult but enjoyable. Clearly she is not complaining about her difficult sessions with her personal trainers and seeing the results that are on display neither is anyone else!