Fitness after Weaning – Things to Know

All the breastfeeding mothers out there come to a point when they wonder about getting back into their pre-pregnancy shape after weaning their babies.

Normally the weaning happens because the milk supply is decreasing or you simply feel its time because the baby is teething and has started on solids.

Fitness after Weaning

How much weight have you gained?

Many moms reported they lost a lot of weight while breastfeeding while a lot of them stated that they gained more weight breastfeeding than they did while pregnant. Everybody is different and working out during breastfeeding does not have the same results for everyone.

When you decide to wean your baby be smart andtalk to your doctor about what kind of fitness he or she recommends. This way you will not be in danger to exhaust yourself working out and your body will stop producing milk the natural way.

What kind of fitness?

Are you worried you won’t shed enough weight fast enough? Don’t be. Your body reacts to change and as soon as your breasts feel comfortable you should start on mild exercise such as jogging, lunges and basic stretching.

In case you used to work out even during breastfeeding you should pick up the pace a bit and choose strength training exercise .This way your muscles will respond well to hormonal changes.

Expect the unexpected

Even if your milk supply is very low and you gradually started pre-weaning, offering the breast to the baby less and less until you stopped, the milk will not disappear overnight.

There were cases when mothers went for a run to come back home with breasts bursting with milk even though they stopped breastfeeding the baby several weeks ago. Yes…it can happen and you should not stop working out if it does. Talk to a specialist and get a tailored fitness program for your particular issue.

Saggy breasts…wiggly body

Unfortunately these can’t be fixed as fast as you would want. Breast size decreases close to the pre-baby size and the saggy aspect can be improved over time with specific exercise. However you should not stimulate the breasts with massage but rather choose light arm exercise to avoid restarting lactation.

Your muscles are far from being toned so your body will feel wiggly for a while. After you wean your baby, gradually increase the amount of workout and decrease the amount of calorie intake and you will surely get back in shape shortly.

Yoga, swimming and dancing

Traditionally yoga is the ideal choice for getting back in shapeafter you had a baby. Consider choosing it because it offers you the chance to improve both posture and muscle structure.

Swimming is an all-powerful fitness tool. If you are lucky enough to be able to practice it consider it for getting in shape after weaning. Water aerobics are also a good idea.

Dancing counts as fitness and you should consider it in case you don’t have the stamina to handle both reducing calories and getting in shape with a tougher fitness program. You can always turn on the music and get it moving even when you are alone with your baby.