Fractures – What You Need to Know

Those that are into fitness and sport in a big way need to know the risks and dangers of injury. This is particularly important in the case of serious injuries such as bone fractures, so that they can do their best to try and avoid them.

Competitive sports, organized fitness activities, long training sessions and so on put one at a higher risk of sports injuries due to accidental falls and so on. So it helps to know about the kind of fractures that are possible to have as well as the ways to avoid having them.

FracturesFractures are of three main kinds –

A simple or acute fracture is clean break in the bone that has caused little if any injury to the surrounding muscle and tissue. These kinds of fractures are relatively easier to treat and heal.

A compound fracture – When the bone breaks and pierces the surrounding muscle and skin this is known as a compound fracture or an open fracture.

Stress fractures – These are the kinds of small cracks that can occur in the bone due to overuse and repeated stress.

The main symptoms of a fracture that one can look out for after an injury or an accident would be – a misshapen joint or limb which appears to be out of alignment.

The presence of intense pain, swelling, bruising, discoloration, bleeding, tingling or numbness can also alert to the presence of a fracture. The inability to use and move the limb normally – such as being unable to stand on the injured leg or grasp with the injured arm and so on is also a definitive symptoms of a fracture.

The main tips to avoid fitness or sports fractures are:

1. Proper footwear: This is important for several reasons. Proper footwear provides better support and balance, so that you have fewer chances of falling. Also good quality footwear will be equipped with the kind of sole grip that will prevent slipping in your chosen field of sport or fitness, providing further protection.

2. Don’t overdo it: Stress fractures can occur due to overuse of the bone and not listening to your body when aches and pains manifest themselves.

3. Learn proper technique: Using improper technique and form for any sport or fitness program can also increase chances of injury and so using proper form is important as well.

4. Use recommended safety equipment: Protective gear such as leg guards or arm guards, gloves and so on can protect from bruising and fractures as well.

5. Keep exercising: It may seem contradictory that exercise may cause injury, but it is also exercise that strengthens bones and prevents injury.