How To Supercharge Your Morning Workout

One of the very best times to workout is first thing in the morning. Although it may seem difficult to even get out of bed on some mornings, once you get started on your morning workout routine, you’ll feel exhilarated.

Getting your workout done first thing in the morning means it’s less likely that job or family obligations will come between you and your workout.

Early morning workouts also boost your metabolism and give you additional energy that can help you to be more productive throughout the day.

Need some inspiration and motivation for those crack of dawn workouts? Here are some morning workout tips that’ll help you get the job done and allow you to enjoy your workout more:

Make it a little different every morning

One reason people end up giving up morning workouts is they become bored. Challenge yourself to a different workout every morning.

Do a fast walk around your neighborhood one morning followed by a trip to your local park the next where you can incorporate the benches and even the swing set into your routine.

Vary your exercise pace and your route. Try different exercise tapes on mornings where you can’t exercise outside.

Turn on some high powered dance music and dance around the house at 7:00 A.M. Sing at the top of your lungs while you do it. Don’t let boredom be an option.

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