The Importance Of Having A Fitness Buddy

If you have ever had a fitness or workout buddy or partner, then you know how they can keep you motivated and interested and even experts share this view that fitness buddies can make a workout easier to stick to and harder to miss.

fitness buddyFitness loves company – whether you need company for that first yoga class, or help in the weight room with a spotter, or a pal to go running with.

According to Kerri O’Brien from the fitness equipment manufacturing company Life Fitness, people may not work out for social reasons, but that social factor may in fact keep them going.

And once you’re in it, quitting becomes less of an option. Even surveys have found that a significant proportion of people prefer to work out with a friend.

If you have the benefit of being able to talk to another person and take their advice about making decisions, then you would be more likely to stick to the program. Motivation is a huge factor that facilitates working out with a buddy. If you know that someone is waiting for you to work out you would be far less likely to give it a miss on a given day.

And if there is not fitness buddy in particular, then one can join a fitness class where the presence of others can act as motivation.