High Body Mass Index Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Failure In Obese Woman

Obesity is the problem in which you will have more weight than the actual weight.

Obesity is a severe problem than over weight.

The people who are suffering with obesity will be too fat.

The problem of obesity will be obtained as heredity or due to improper function of hormones in your body.

Obese woman will have several health problems when compared with normal woman of the same age. Obese woman will feel more difficult to do little work. You will feel difficult to be active and alert with your heavy body.Obese Woman

Most probably laziness will be acquired to your body and you don’t feel interest in performing certain activities that will make you to move your body.

The problems that can get to obese woman are:

  • Basically obesity and over weight will be defined by using a scale called body mass index (BMI). In this body mass index your weight in kilograms will be divided by your height in squared meters.
  • If The BMI rate is in between 25 to 29.9 then it is considered as over weight, or else if your body mass index rate is more than 30 then it is considered as obese.
  • The risk of developing heart disease will be increased greatly in obese woman.
  • You will also suffer with other health problems such as high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure if you are an obese woman.
  • Obese woman or women with over weight have more chances of getting diabetes than man with over weight or obese man.
  • Obese woman with excess fat in their belly area will have a greater risk of developing heart diseases. Some times this excess fat will also lead to death by blocking the valves of your heart due to high cholesterol.
  • Obese woman who have fat in hips and thighs have less chances of getting heart attacks than the obese woman who have excess fat in her belly. [Thigh exercises for firm Hips and Thighs]
  • The heart attack or heart disease risk can be analyzed by your waist measurement and waist to hip ratio of BMI.
  • Obese woman with more than 70 years and with large waste line will have increased risk of obtaining heart attacks.
  • More obese woman will have difficult births due to uterus failure.
  • There are more chances of obtaining abnormal babies in obese women.
  • Mostly the children of obese woman will also get affected with the problem of obesity.
  • Researchers have found that the woman who is obese throughout her life is more likely to lose her brain tissue.
  • The sons of obese woman may obtain the problem of poor quality sperm.

These are the several problems that will be faced by obese woman.

The best solutions to avoid obesity or to reduce over weight:

  • You should perform exercise regularly without break. [Weight Loss Exercise Program]
  • You should take the foods which have fewer calories and more proteins in them.
  • You should follow the low fat cooking process while preparing your food.

These are the three best solutions for obese woman.