Looking For ‘Ridiculously’ Healthy Foods?

Here is a list of 25 Superstars:

  1. Eggs, that much-reviled villain from yesteryears is packed with goodness difficult to find elsewhere
  2. Yoghurt with live bacteria, an excellent source not only for healthy bacteria but also calcium
  3. Fat free milk gives you calcium, lets you absorb vitamin D, ward off cancer, relieve back pain, prevent depression
  4. Salmon – not only delicious but a great source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Good for the skin, heart and weight loss
  5. Lean beef the best natural source of iron for humans, has vitamin E and a brain-boosting antioxidant
  6. Beans- an excellent source of calcium, potassium, and magnesium
  7. Nuts to be heart healthy and keep diabetes at bay among a bunch of other benefits
  8. Edamame and Tofu-great for your heart
  9. Oatmeal – versatile and even healthier than you thought
  10. Flaxseed for Omega 3s
  11. Olive Oil for great flavor and a host of benefits
  12. Avocados for MUFAs and many other nutrients
  13. Broccoli to fight a host of life threatening diseases
  14. Spinach – really as good as Popeye said
  15. Tomatoes: Lycopene to fight heart disease and breast cancer
  16. Sweet potatoes for high quality nutrients
  17. Garlic to lower blood pressure and risk of a number of cancers and yes; will protect against colds!
  18. Red peppers for Vitamin C, good immunity and great skin
  19. Figs for calcium and more potassium than bananas even!
  20. Blueberries the small source of big benefits
  21. Asian pears a great source of fiber
  22. Lychees  for heart healthy polyphenols
  23. Apples to keep that doctor away
  24. Guavas for Vitamin C and lycopenes
  25. Dark chocolate – flavonoids and antioxidants

This list of 25 superfoods by Prevention includes a bunch of healthy tips to include them in your diet as well.