Swimming This Summer – Possible Problems With Chlorinated Water

Chlorine added to swimming pool water is what keeps us safe as we swim in swimming pools – from infections of all sorts. However the chlorine itself could react with other substances and cause problems, experts warn.


Chemical byproducts called chloramines can form in the water when the chlorine comes into contact with certain other things. If the water itself contains certain chemicals from the source, it could react with the chlorine. In addition, sweat from the body, urine and body waste as well as personal care products to be found in hair and on skin of swimmers could react with the chlorine.

Also in the case of indoor pools, there could be poor ventilation and so the chloramines can build up in the air – this can lead to respiratory problems. There could be particular problems with asthma sufferers who are advised to swim – these asthma sufferers are more prone to respiratory problems.

It is therefore advisable to keep pools clean so that fewer chloramines develop – shower before a swim, do not pee in the pool (even though Michael Phelps did it) – this can make pools cleaner and safer by reducing chloramines.