How to Shape Flabby Muscles with a Stability Ball

The stability ball is often underrated as people use it only for ab crunches, ignoring all the full-body exercises one could do using it. This “child toy” inspired fitness equipment was designed to help adults achieve a perfect shape and get rid of belly fat. Using it at full potential you will work your entire body, right to the core muscles, which will struggle to keep you balanced on the ball.

First, you must know that you can work out on your ball while working at the office. Replace the chair with a stability ball and resume your work. While you work, your entire muscle mass will also work to keep you in balance. After a few weeks those painful back-aches will be gone and your flat abdomen will slowly emerge.

You should also try a couple of core exercises using the stability ball to get rid of unwanted fat and tone up your entire body.

Wall Curl-Up

Wall Curl-Up

With your ball placed about 2 feet in front of a wall, lie on it with your lower back on its center and bend towards the floor. Your hands need to hang along your head, while your feet will lean on the wall in a 90 degree angle from the floor. In this position curl your shoulders off ball and reach hands towards your feet. Reverse to start over and do 3 sets of 20 reps.

Butt Burner

Butt Burner

Stand in front of a wall with your legs hip-width apart. Bend your left knee backwards with your foot flexed and place the ball between your foot and your butt. Place your hands on the wall and begin to squeeze the ball. Make 20-25 reps, on each side, in sets of 3. If your ball is too big to squeeze it, replace it with a rolled up towel, put behind your knee.

Grasshopper Plank

Grasshopper plank

From full plank position with your shins atop the center of the ball, bend your right knee towards your right elbow, on the outer side. During the move keep your back flat and preserve the plank position. Switch sides and do 3 sets of 15 reps.

The Dolphin

The Dolphin

To start the exercise get in plank position with the center of the stability ball below your shoulders. Your thumbs and forefingers must touch the ball, while your feet will be spread a little wider than shoulder-width, on floor. Start to bend your elbows slowly 90 degrees as the ball rolls forwards. Rest your forearms on the ball. Roll the ball towards your chest as you begin to straighten your arms and return in start position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

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