8 Yoga Poses for Sore Muscles and Stiffness

Whether you worked extra hours at your computer, played too hard in your weekend or having an aching body is crying out of pain, yoga can help you. Post-workout muscle soreness is both a good thing and a bad thing. It’s a good thing because that indicates that you had a successful, muscle-building workout.If you ever experience muscle soreness it is because of micro-tears in the muscles from working really hard. So, if you have any ache or pain or soreness it is really good for your body.

Bellow discussed is the 8 yoga poses for post-workout muscle soreness. All these poses can reduce the muscle soreness and it increases your flexibility and mobility.

8 Yoga Poses for Sore Muscles and Stiffness

Yoga Poses for Post-Workout Muscle Soreness

  1. Standing Forward Bend
    Hold your hands together at the back, hinge forward at the hips, let your head hang, and bring your arms overhead. Rock slowly side to side, let the weight of your arms stretch your shoulders at various angles.
  2. Standing Side Bend
    Stand on your feet and your arms overhead with your palms. Keep your arms straight or close to straight lean to the left and right, taking the time to feel your sides open.
  3. Wide Legged Forward Bend Twist
    Stand apart with feet at least 2-3 inches, hinge your chest forward at the hips. Now roll your spine down by resting your hands on the floor, let your head and hand relax. Bring one hand upwards and look up at it, feeling your spine twist and open.
  4. Standing Forward Bend
    Stand with your feet together now bend by rolling your spine down as you go down the floor. This can give you good relaxation; this asana is very relaxing and will stretch your muscles.
  5. Camel Pose
    Camel pose is also called as ustrasana, to do this asana place your arms at your side, look straight, slowly draw your arms up over your head, then using one arm at a time, reach your hands at the back of your heels. Your hips should point your knees and then relax your neck and shoulders.
  6. Crescent Lunge
    Start in an elevated lunge, then gradually lower the back knee down to the floor. Keep your chest to an upright position, and make sure your front knee does not extend forward over your toes
  7. Wind-Relieving Pose
    Rest with your back flat and legs fully extended, now bring both knees in towards your chest, and clasp your hands around your legs, round your back so your buttocks come slightly off the floor. Attempt to bring your forehead to your knees, then rock slowly from side to side to gently massage your spine.
  8. Downward DogStand with your feet, hinge forward at the hips, and bend your knees so that your palms are flat on the floor. Now, shift your weight on arms and walk your legs back. You can use your hands to push the body back towards your heels until you feel a stretch throughout your back and legs.